Hello, please, spend a pair of minutes and read this clause.

I have come across it completely casually, when searched for job for additional earnings, having come across on clause, in which was spoken, that it is possible to make HUNDREDS wmz for COUPLE OF WEEKS at an investment all 6wmz. I have thought, what is it should be the next chesspiece for лохов, but has decided(solved) to read up up to the end and to learn(find out), that me offer: further there was spoken, that it is necessary to send on 1wmz on 6wmz-purses, which are below listed. Then to delete the first purse from the list, thus, having displaced the list on one line upwards. Therefore the sixth line is released(exempted), where you enter number(room) of the wmz-purse. Then you shower the given message, but already with YOUR DATA on the sixth line, on 200 different forums. Any dodges.
Well, I have thought and has thought, that basically nothing I lose except for 6wmz and has decided(solved) to try: Has established wmz-кошелёк, has listed to all participants of the action(share) on 1wmz and beginning to dispatch these announcements of different forums and boards of the announcements. Within 3 days I was registered more than 100 business forums and free-of-charge boards of the announcements. The week has passed, I look in the wmz-purse, and guess what? The receipts any no, in general. Write - was gone, I have thought, has got in next "deceit", wishing to earn for couple of weeks of hundred wmz. Well also has thrown this employment(occupation), and not having sent the announcement on 200 forums, 6wmz of the loss has not struck under my budget. In one week has glanced in the Internet - purse. I look, only one receipt 1wmz Yes, I think, business not worth, casually has found same лох, as well as I … in two weeks I all the same again have opened the Internet - purse, and in him already about 30wmz!!! Whence? The not clear picture, but вс ё is equal for 1 month 30 wmz it though чтото. And suddenly after 1 month most interesting began: on my purse began to come money EACH DAY, after 2 weeks on mine to the bill already were about 100wmz. After that I have sent the announcements more than on 150 forums. The result was STUNNING! After 2 months have passed only, I have received about 400wmz. And money goes! Each day on my bill acts till 5-10 wmz. I was in a very bad economic situation, how has come across this clause. I have not believed, what is it works, yet did not begin to receive translations from all light. My job now is each day till some hours in the Internet and ВС Ё!!!!! Now, I shall tell to you, as it works, and most important WHY! Your contribution all 6wmz and very high chances to increase the well-being!


ATTENTION!!! Read it few times. Follow the instructions in ACCURACY and you not bad will earn within two months!!! It successfully works due to HONESTY of the participants. THOSE 3 STEPS To SUCCESS:

1. Take first number(room) of a purse from the below-mentioned list, send on him(it) 1wmz. Further, since second, by analogy send on 1wmz on the following 5 purses. Number(room) of purses enter closely(attentively), the mistakes do not admit(allow).

1) R321372057806
2) Z143354503348
3) E180833818761
4) Z231252803570
5) R666838109508
6) E596455223954

2. Now ATTENTION!!! After you have executed a STEP 1, copy to itself on the computer all this text from a beginning up to the end (it is possible in a format txt or as for you more conveniently). In copied clause delete from the list of purses the FIRST (TOP) purse and move 2 purse on a place 1-st, which you have erased, 3-ий-на a place 2, 4-ый-на a place 3-rd, 5-ый-на a place 4-th, and 6-that on a place 5-that! And in 6-th number(room), which has appeared empty, enter number(room) of YOUR purse!!!

3. Place this clause (already with your purse on 6 place) on not less than 200 - 300 forums. Remember, the more you place, the your income will be higher, and this income will depend directly on you. Accommodation of this clause on 200 forums, even on most it is not enough visited(attended), guarantees to you the income. It is more than accommodations - more income (thus in a geometrical progression). REMEMBER!!! This business continues to exist and to prosper only due to HONESTY And GRAVITY of the participants. But to work вс ё it is necessary. It is necessary to interest the people. For this purpose it is necessary to use dispatch, accommodation of the announcements on the specialized sites about searches of job, forums, boards of the announcements. And here all in YOUR hands, ДЕРЗАЙТЕ!!! Each day in the Internet occur from 20000 up to 50000 new users. Under the forecasts of the experts only in Russia by 2007 the quantity(amount) of the users of the Internet will increase with present 9 млн. The users up to 21 млн.!!! What chances, what they want to try themselves in something new??? Good luck to you!

P. S. The useful information! How to distribute the information in forums (boards etc. suitable places): 1. We open search system. 2. We write in a line of search a phrase: " a forum to begin a new theme " or " a forum to begin a new theme job " (without inverted commas) 3. The search system will find thousand pages, the references on which at once result on the forms for filling a new theme of a forum. And more: be not frightened, if suddenly on that site, where you have wanted to place the announcement, already there is one or severaled similar. It once again confirms that this business really works!

And now I shall explain to you, WHY you in any case nothing lose, but only WIN!!! Let's say, from 200 accommodations I shall receive only 5 answers (very low figure). Means, I shall do 5wmz, were on 6 positions in the list. Now these 5 people do(make) again MINIMUM 200 accommodations with MY purse on 5 positions, and only 5 people answer those by first 5 is already 25 wmz. Further these 25 people do(make) till 200 accommodations with my purse on 4 lines and only 5 answer - my income 125 wmz. Now these 125 people, having placed and having received only till 5 answers, give to me 625wmz of the profit (I on 3 positions of the list). Is more ridiculous further: these 625 people do(make) till a minimum 200 accommodations with me on 2 lines and only 5 people answer is 3125wmz, whether etc. the truth impressive figures? And it вс ё for the initial contribution in 6wmz!!! You can present yourselves, that thousand people from all world join the Internet and read these clauses each day. As well as you now read this!!!